
Şubat, 2018 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Quiz 2 - Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety

1.        As per WHO surgical safety checklist, antibiotic prophylactic should be given within what time frame, when applicable? a.        Within 24 hours before surgery b.        Within 12 hours before surgery c.        Within 4 hours before surgery d.        Within 1 hour before surgery 2.        For a patient who will be undergoing a surgery, marking of the surgical/invasive site should be done by whom? a.        Attending nurse of the patient b.        Person who will be performing the surgery c.        In-charge of operation theatre d.        Person who will be administering anaesthesia 3.        Which of the following test is not mandatory to be carried ou...

Checklist for pregnancy hospital bag when getting admitted to hospital.

A pregnant mother has to stay in hospital for about 5 days in case of Caesarean delivery and about 3 days in case of normal delivery. The days of stay may vary in some cases by 1 or 2 days depending upon the condition of mother and baby.  For Caesarean delivery the mother may be required to get admitted either 1 day before the day or about 12 hours before the scheduled time of surgery. In normal delivery, admission will be required as soon as the labour pain starts. The family must be prepared with all necessary items that may be required during the mother’s stay in the hospital. This will prevent a lot of inconvenience to mother, baby and family members and they can spend more quality time with the new member of their family. First time parents should specially take out time to think through what all they should be ready with. Also, as in normal pregnancy the admission may be required on an immediate basis, it would be a good idea keep the bags ready with all required stuff, so th...

Informed Consent Form - Chemotherapy

Download INFORMED CONSENT FORM – CHEMOTHERAPY PATIENT’S NAME UID Gender Age WARD / BED NO. S. N. DESCRIPTION 1.          I understand that I / my patient, ……………………………………………………………………………….. (name of patient), has been diagnosed with ……………………………………………………… and I have been advised Chemotherapy treatment by my doctor Dr……………………………………………………., I have been explained about the chemotherapeutic agent, process of chemotherapy, expected benefits, risks involved, alternatives available with their risks and consequences of not undertaking Chemotherapy treatment. I give my consent to the hospital and to my doctor to conduct upon me Chemotherapy treatment to the best of their professional ability. 2.          I have been explained the goal of my treatment as …………………………………………………….. I know that whether the goal is achieved or no...

Informed Consent Form - Intensive Care

Download INFORMED CONSENT FORM – INTENSIVE CARE PATIENT’S NAME UID Gender Age WARD / BED NO. S. N. DESCRIPTION 1.          I understand that I / my patient, ……………………………………………………………………………….. (name of patient), has been advised by my doctor, for intensive care in the intensive care unit, as my/my patients’ medical condition has been found to be life-threatening or potentially life-threatening. I have been explained the procedures and treatments that can be done on me / my patient under intensive care and I give my consent to for the same 2.          I understand that under Intensive Care, one or more of the procedures can be carried out on me, as per the assessment of the specialist doctor. The procedures include, but not limited to, Arterial line placement, Baloon pump, BIPAP, Bronchoscopy, CVC, Dia...