Quiz 2 - Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety
1. As per WHO surgical safety checklist, antibiotic prophylactic should be given within what time frame, when applicable?
a. Within 24 hours before surgery
b. Within 12 hours before surgery
c. Within 4 hours before surgery
d. Within 1 hour before surgery
2. For a patient who will be undergoing a surgery, marking of the surgical/invasive site should be done by whom?
a. Attending nurse of the patient
b. Person who will be performing the surgery
c. In-charge of operation theatre
d. Person who will be administering anaesthesia
3. Which of the following test is not mandatory to be carried out on donated blood, as per Drugs and Cosmetics Act
a. Syphilis
b. Hepatitis A
c. Malaria
d. Hepatitis C
4. As per WHO guidelines on hand hygiene, entire process of non-surgical hand washing should take how much time?
a. 40-60 sec
b. 2-3 minutes
c. 20-25 seconds
d. Less than 15 seconds
5. As per NACO guideline, who can receive HIV test report of a patient, from the lab
a. Patient him/herself
b. A person authorized by the patient and having a valid authorization letter
c. Clinician who requested for the test, in a sealed envelope
d. Any of the above
6. Spores of which bacteria is used in conducting biological indicator spore test in sterilization equipment in CSSD?
a. Bacillus Anthracis
b. Bacillus Stearothermophilus
c. Bacillus Subtilis
d. Bacillus Megaterium
7. As per CDC definition, an infection that occurs within _______________ days after the operation in skin and sub-cutaneous tissue, can be classified as superficial incisional surgical site infection.
a. 1 year
b. 30 days
c. 7 days
d. 60 days
8. Which of the given tool can be best used for ‘Risk Analysis’ in patient care functions?
b. RCA
c. Lean
d. RACI matrix
9. As per Bio-Medical waste management rules, waste generated from disposable items such as tubing, bottles, catheters, urine bags etc. should be disposed off by,
a. Autoclaving/microwaving followed by shredding
b. Deep burials
c. Incineration
d. Should be disposed with general waste
10. What is the characteristics of a “closed ICU”
a. The physician responsible for patient admits the patient in ICU and takes the formal responsibility of patient and his/her treatment in ICU
b. The admission and care of patient in ICU is the responsibility of intensivist
c. The ICU in which only the patient from same hospital can be admitted
d. The ICU in which patient from any hospital can be admitted
Correct answers
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