Checklist for pregnancy hospital bag when getting admitted to hospital.

A pregnant mother has to stay in hospital for about 5 days in case of Caesarean delivery and about 3 days in case of normal delivery. The days of stay may vary in some cases by 1 or 2 days depending upon the condition of mother and baby.  For Caesarean delivery the mother may be required to get admitted either 1 day before the day or about 12 hours before the scheduled time of surgery. In normal delivery, admission will be required as soon as the labour pain starts.

The family must be prepared with all necessary items that may be required during the mother’s stay in the hospital. This will prevent a lot of inconvenience to mother, baby and family members and they can spend more quality time with the new member of their family. First time parents should specially take out time to think through what all they should be ready with. Also, as in normal pregnancy the admission may be required on an immediate basis, it would be a good idea keep the bags ready with all required stuff, so that you are always ready for admission.

Here is a checklist of pregnancy hospital bag that you must consider while getting admitted in hospital.

For mother
1.       2-3 pairs of feeding gowns, cotton texture and lose fit and 1 set of clothes to wear
2.       Comfortable fitting undergarments (nursing bra), and socks
3.       Winter-wears, if required
4.       A pair of slippers, non-slippery
5.       One large pack of sanitary pad 
6.   Personal care items such as moisturizer, combs, hair clips, basic cosmetics – as per preference of the mother
7.       Bathroom towel
8.       Bed sheet and pillow cover (if you don’t want to use hospital’s linen)
9.       Blanket/quilt/pullover, as per season
10.   Medicines, if any and medical file

For wearing and sleeping of new-born baby
1.       One large cotton bedsheet, that may be required for wrapping around the baby’s bassinet
2.       Soft cushioned mat for sleeping the baby
3.       Waterproof sheets to put above baby cushion (3-4 units)
4.       Baby cotton sheets to put above waterproof sheet (12-15 units. They are required in large numbers as they get wet frequently)
5.       Nappies – soft cotton material and simple tying type (4-5 dozens)
6.       Baby shirts, t-shirts or banyan (10-12 pieces) – They should be soft and easily wearable
7.       Mittens, socks, caps and bibs
8.       Sweaters or winter wears, if the delivery is during winters
9.       Blankets (3-4 units), depending upon climate
10.   Mosquito net or any netted material to protect baby in bassinet

For bathing and sponging of new-born baby
1.       Bathing tub (Check from hospital, if they provide this)
2.       Baby soap, solid or liquid as per choice
3.       Soft towel (2 to 3) for wiping the baby dry
4.      Soft small napkins (1 dozen) for sponging. These are also required for random wiping and cleaning of baby’s eyes, mouth etc.
5.    5-6 Large and soft cotton clothes (about 75 cms x 75 cms), for wrapping the baby after bathing or sponging. Indian cotton dupattas can be used for this purpose.
6.       Baby lotion or moisturizer for after bath application
7.       Baby oil for massage, if desired

Baby toilet care
1.       Baby swipes (wet) for cleaning baby’s bums after toilet or potty). Sometime swipes may not be feasible, like if it is winters or the wipes are going costly. In that case a cotton roll can be used. The cotton rolls can be cut into adequate sized pieces, which can be soaked in warm water for cleaning the baby
2.     Two mid-sized plastic bowls. One can be used for keeping the warm water for soaking the cotton pads and other can be used for temporarily keeping the used pads, before discarding in wastebins
3.   A mid-sized bucket or basket to store dirty clothes of baby. A separate box may be required for storing clothes soiled with potty

Food and Kitchen related items
1.   3 steel pots of small to mid-size, with lids. One is required to boil water that is used for preparing baby feeds, in case required. One slightly large size required for boiling all kitchen items for infection prevention. One spare one which can be used for multiple purpose
2.       Sensi or Pakkad for holding hot utensils
3.     2 flasks to keep hot water. In one flask hot or warm water can be kept for cleaning baby during toilets. In another flask hot water can be used for preparing baby feeds
4.       A bottle cleaning brush, to clean the flasks
5.       A match-stick for lighting the gas stove. (Check from hospital about the arrangement for boiling water)
6.       Kitchen soap and scrubber
7.       A piece of cloth for cleaning and wiping
8.       3-4 small sized steel bowls for preparing baby feed
9.       3-4 small sized steel spoons for feeding the baby
10.   A couple of plates, cups, bowls, spoons and glasses to be used while eating by mother and attendant. Keeping some disposable plates and cups can be a good idea for multiple use.
11.   Water bottles to keep drinking water
12.   Few paper bags, boxes for storing multiple items

Bathroom items
1.       Toothpaste and tooth brush (for mother and the staying attendant)
2.       Liquid soap
3.       Detergent soap and few pouches of detergent powder
4.       Hand towel
5.       A mug for water (some-times you may not find these items missing in Indian hospitals)
6.        Bathroom towel
7.       A foot mat (may be required sometime)

Other miscellaneous items
1.       2-3 plastic baskets or boxes to segregate and keep baby items. As things can get easily mixed up, it’s important to keep some storage arrangement to be organized
2.       Items for attendant staying with mother – this include bed sheet, pillow, blanket, pair of clothes, personal use items etc.
3.       If you have another kid, who may come to hospital during stay, keep some necessary items for him/her. Such as a couple of toys books, drawing materials, packed food items, spare clothe set etc.
4.       Mosquito repellent
5.       Mobile charger
6.       Some paper napkins or news papers
7.   Few stationary items such as pen, sticking tape, note pads etc. 
8.   Baby nail cutter - This may be required if baby's nails grow and hurts

At home
These are things which may not be required to be taken to hospital, but should be kept ready at home to be used whenever required.
1.       Tiffin box for supplying food
2.       Flask for supplying tea/coffee
3.       Spare clothe items such as bed sheet, baby sheet, pillow etc.
4.       Food preparation material - As childbirth is an extremely busy period for entire family, it is wise to purchase and keep sufficient stock of food items before hand, so that you do not run out of supplies

A childbirth is a time which is full with excitement, responsibility and multiple activity. It is important to be pre-planned and pre-pared for handling all that is required without any chaos or confusion. The family must use their judgement and modify and use the above list. 


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