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1.      Checklist of Quality Indicators for NABH accreditation preparation

2.      Checklist of training topics for NABH accreditation preparation

3.      Checklist of documents for NABH accreditation preparation

4.      Licenses, permits and other legal documents required to open and operate a hospital

5.      Disaster Preparedness checklist for hospitals

6.      List of medical errors leading to patient harm

7.      Checklist and Quality Indicators of In-patient wards for NABH accreditationpreparation

8.      Checklist of CSSD for NABH preparation and its quality indicators

9.      Checklist of Pharmacy and its quality indicators

10. Checklist of Admissions Department for NABH accreditation preparation

11. Checklist of Ambulance for NABH accreditation preparation

12. Checklist of Anaesthesia department for NABH accreditation preparation

13. Checklist of Bio-medical engineering department for NABH accreditation preparation

14. Checklist of facility safety inspection for NABH accreditation preparation

15. Checklist of Hospital’s Food services (Kitchen) for NABH accreditation preparation

16. Checklist of Hospital’s Human Resources Department for NABH accreditation preparation

17. Checklist of housekeeping services for NABH accreditation

18. Checklist of Pathology Laboratory and its quality indicators for NABH accreditation preparation

19. Checklist ofPurchase department for NABH accreditation preparation

20. Checklist ofRadiology and Imaging department and its quality indicators for NABHaccreditation preparation

21. Checklist ofemergency department checklist and quality indicators for NABH accreditationpreparation

22. Checklist of ICUand quality indicators for NABH accreditation preparation

23. Checklist of Infection control for NABH accreditation preparation

24. Checklist of Medical Records and quality indicators for NABH accreditation preparation

25. Checklist of Infrastructure for NABH accreditation

26. Checklist of Operation Theatre and quality indicators for NABH accreditation preparation

27. Conditions that a hospital must fulfill in-order to participate in JCI accreditation process

28. List of adverse anaesthesia events

29.List of hospital committees and teams for NABH accreditation preparation

30. Checklist of Blood Bank and Quality Indicators for NABH accreditation preparation

Hospital Policies

1.      Registration of patients in hospital – Policy and Procedure

2.     Admission of patient: Policy and Procedure

3.      Managing patients during non-availability of beds

4.      Patient identification Policy and Procedure

5.     Safe transfer of unstable patient from hospital

6.    Critical test results in laboratory – Policy and process for identification and communication

7.    Critical findings in Imaging – Policy and procedure

8.    Uniform Care Policy for Hospitals

9.      End-of-lifecare: policies and procedures for hospitals

10. Code blue system in hospitals

11. Code Pink system in hospitals

12. Code red alert system in hospital

13. Crash Cart policy

14. Criteria for transfer of patients from OT recovery area

15. Fulfilling patients’ rights in hospital

16. General Consent and Informed Consent in Hospitals

17. Standard Precaution for Infection Control in Hospitals

18. Infection control care bundles

19.  Antibiotic Policy

20. Nutritional Screening and Nutritional Assessment in Hospitalized patients

21. Taking Care of Vulnerable Patients

22. Restraining a patient

23. Rape victim's examination at hospital

24. Employee rights in hospitals

25. Patient's fall risk assessment

26. Credentialing and Privileging of Clinicians



1.      Patient Satisfaction Feedback Form

2.      Advance Directive Form for Passive Euthanasia

3.      Code Blue Form

4.      General Consent Form

5.      Informed consent form – anaesthesia administration

6.      informed consent form - blood and blood product transfusion

7.      Informed Consent Form - Chemotherapy

8.      Informed Consent Form - General Surgery

9.      Informed Consent Form – HIV Testing

10. Informed Consent Form - Intensive Care

11. Nutritional Screening Form

12. Nutritional Assessment Form

13. Post Anaesthesia Recovery Score



1.      Performance measures for Hospital business

2.      Tracer survey method – A great tool for achieving operational excellence in hospital

3.      Organizing policy and procedure documents

4.      Avoiding poor online rating of your hospital

5.      Communicating bad news to patient and family

6.      Dealing with relatives in case of patient’s death

7.      Features of a disabled friendly hospital

8.      How India performed in healthcare compared to other similar nations?

9.      How much does it cost to run a hospital?

10. How not to prepare for accreditation

11. How Pharmacist can improve quality care in hospitals

12. How to choose right health insurance provider?

13. How to create a winning hospital marketing strategy?

14. Generic vs.Branded medicine – what is this mess?

15. Knowing why patients choose a hospital is essential for hospital business

16. Making of a loyal customer

17. Passive Euthanasia in India and Making Advance Medical Directives: Details that hospitals and patients must know

18. Points that should be taken care of while assessing online customer reviews of hospitals

19. Risks in hospital business

20. Understanding waiting time from perspective of patient’s psychology

21. Preparing For NABH Accreditation


Quizzes and case studies

1.      CASE STUDY -Cross referencing of patients between specialities

2.      CASE STUDY – Implementationof cost cutting measures in hospital by a CEO

3.      CASE STUDY - TheOperational riddle of a health insurance company

4.      Quiz -Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety

5.      Quiz - HealthcareIndustry

6.      Quiz - InfectionControl


Patients’ Education

1.      6 things thatcan increase your hospital bill

2.      5 points on howto select a good hospital

3.      4 points on howto select a good doctor

4.      5 things youmust check while getting discharged from hospital

5.      6 points thatshould be taken care of while assessing online customer reviews of hospitals

6.      What isaccreditation in hospital and how does it matter to me as a patient?

7.      How to chooseright health insurance provider?

8.      Checklist forpregnancy hospital bag when getting admitted to hospital.


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