
Nisan, 2019 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

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CHECKLISTS 1.       Checklist of Quality Indicators for NABH accreditation preparation 2.       Checklist of training topics for NABH accreditation preparation 3.       Checklist of documents for NABH accreditation preparation 4.       Licenses, permits and other legal documents required to open and operate a hospital 5.       Disaster Preparedness checklist for hospitals 6.       List of medical errors leading to patient harm 7.       Checklist and Quality Indicators of In-patient wards for NABH accreditation preparation 8.       Checklist of CSSD for NABH preparation and its quality indicators 9.       Checklist of Pharmacy and its quality indicators 10. Checklist of Admissions Department for NABH accreditation preparation 11. Checklist of Ambulance for NABH acc...