List of medical errors leading to patient harm

(Also check 'Patient Identification Policy and Procedure)

Medication related
1.       Administration of wrong medicine
2.       Administration of medicine to a wrong person
3.       Administration of wrong dose of medicine
4.       Administration of medicine through wrong route
5.       Administration of medicine at wrong time
6.       Administration of medicine with wrong rate of administration
7.       Administration of expired medicine

8.       Administration of medicine for which the patient is allergic to
9.       Administration of medicine that is not fit for administration, such as deteriorated, damaged, stored at wrong temperature etc.
10.   Failure to check necessary clinical parameters before administration (when applicable); such as failure to check blood sugar level before administration of insulin
11.   Failure to monitor or recognize symptoms of reactions post administration of medicine

Blood/Blood component Transfusion
1.       Transfusion to a wrong person
2.       Transfusion of incompatible blood/blood component
3.       Transfusion of blood/blood component, not suitable for transfusion – such as infected, improperly thawed, bag damaged etc.
4.       Failure to monitor or recognize symptoms of reactions post transfusion

1.       Injection/infusion at a wrong site
2.       Causing infection due to unsterile instrument or practices
3.       Damage to nerves during injection
4.       Insertion of air embolism
5.       Needle prick injuries

1.       Surgery of a wrong person
2.       Wrong surgery of the patient
3.       Surgery done / incision given at a wrong site
4.       Foreign object, such as surgical sponge or instrument, left inside patient’s body
5.       Damage to organs during surgery
6.       Causing infection due to unsterile instrument or practices

1.       Overdose or under-dose of anaesthesia
2.       Failure to assess patient’s readiness for anaesthesia
3.       Inserting of ET tube in right main bronchus
4.       Failure to monitor necessary parameters of patient under anaesthesia
5.       Occurrence of complications related to anaesthesia

1.       Pregnant lady wrongly exposed to radiation
2.       Overdose of radiation to a patient
3.       Unclear images
4.       Error in diagnosis due to wrong method or equipment fault
5.       Errors in imaging reports
6.       Issuance of wrong report to patient
7.       Accidents due to magnetic power of MRI machine

1.       Sample identification errors
2.       Error in diagnosis due to wrong method or equipment fault
3.       Errors in lab reports
4.       Issuance of wrong report to patient

Management / system related
1.       Delay in attending medical emergencies
2.       Emergency medicine/instruments not available when required
3.       Patient harm due to equipment malfunctioning, such as electric shock, burns etc.


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