
Nisan, 2018 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Organizing policy and procedure documents

There are many functions and operations that are performed in a hospital. Each function and operations are guided by the hospital’s policy on it and is carried out as per the specified procedure. For the sake of standardization, it is important that these policies and procedures are available in written for staff to refer whenever required.   The written policies and procedures are often referred as policies and procedures documents. There is a long list of documents that are required in a hospital and such can differ in its size, form and applicability. This creates problems with managing these documents and leads to frequent errors. What is required is a systematic way of organizing these documents errors and confusions could be avoided. This post describes how to organize policy and procedure documents for an efficient management. TYPES OF DOCUMENTS Policy and procedure documents in a hospital are generally of following types. Manuals : Manuals is a comprehensive document, rese...

List of medical errors leading to patient harm

(Also check ' Patient Identification Policy and Procedure ) Medication related 1.        Administration of wrong medicine 2.        Administration of medicine to a wrong person 3.        Administration of wrong dose of medicine 4.        Administration of medicine through wrong route 5.        Administration of medicine at wrong time 6.        Administration of medicine with wrong rate of administration 7.        Administration of expired medicine 8.        Administration of medicine for which the patient is allergic to 9.        Administration of medicine that is not fit for administration, such as deteriorated, damaged, stored at wrong temperature etc. 10.    Failure to check necessary clinical parameters befo...

Features of a disabled friendly hospital

A disabled friendly hospital is one which enables people with disabilities to freely and safely move and access facilities within the hospital. Such hospital building provides an environment of independence to individuals with disability, which is their right granted under Persons with disability act, 2016. Patient with a disability is considered as a vulnerable patient and hospitals are required to take care of their safety. Being disabled friendly uplifts the image of a hospital and is also expected by various accreditation agencies. So what are those features that makes a hospital, ‘disabled friendly’? Well, such hospital building typically accounts for the need of two kinds of disabilities, i.e. loco-motor disability and visual disability. People with loco-motor disability will either be on wheelchair or crutches and which requires a disabled friendly hospital to make its interior easily accessible for wheelchair. People with limited vision will need mechanism to understand ways a...