
Kasım, 2018 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Performance measures for Hospital business

  Hospitals are cost intensive business, both in capital as well as operational expenditure. The article ‘ How much does it cost to run a hospital? ’ gives a detailed understanding of different cost heads with their proportion. In addition, rising competition and increasing regulations are just making the hospital business even more difficult. For a hospital business manager, it is crucial to closely monitor the business performance of the hospital. Following are the list and description of some key measures that gives a good understanding of hospital’s business performance. BED OCCUPANCY RATE (BOR)   This is by far the most commonly quoted measure to describe how well a hospital is doing. BOR gives a gross idea about how well the hospital’s bed capacity is being utilized. BOR is the percentage of available beds that is occupied by admitted patients at a given point of time. BOR can also be calculated for a period (like for a month), in which case, it is average BOR for tha...

Real Health Care Solutions, Not Value Focus

The Value Based Movement lacks Value. It is important to understand how AAFP, Commonwealth, and others have arrived at their misguided focus about what is value.You will hear the various promotions constantly in journals, policy papers, and in the media. The following are more critical evaluations via Jha, Soumerai, Sullivan, CBO, Annals of IM, and others with my comments, critique, and assumptions regarding the real influences on outcomes. I still have hope for associations and foundations, but they need new leadership and a return to missions such as health access – real health access.Their staff need to be re-educated regarding the true value of family physicians and others serving in teams on the front lines despite that greater challenges of the value-based focus. Value, P4P, Performance Based Evidence Is Lacking Annals of IM 1/17 in a comprehensive review did not indicate value for performance based incentives. Only process was improved.   It is hard to stop a Bandwagon,...

Antibiotic Policy

Emergence of antibiotic resistance in pathogens is a global threat to human health and a matter of grave public health concern. Resistance of micro-organisms towards an antibiotic renders it ineffective in curing any disease caused by those organisms. Some micro-organisms develops resistance to a wide range of antibiotics including even to newer and more potent antibiotics such as Carbapenems, making treatment of patient difficult, costly and sometimes impossible.   Due to this antibiotic resistant micro-organisms leads to increased mortality, morbidity and healthcare costs.   A major reason of emergence of antibiotic resistant strains of micro-organism is indiscriminate and irrational use of antibiotics. It is estimated 50% of antibiotic usage in Indian hospitals are inappropriate and irrational. Hence, there is an urgent need that hospitals formulate and implement appropriate Antibiotic Policy that ensures rational use of antibiotics and prevent any indiscriminate use. ...