
Haziran, 2018 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Managing patients during non-availability of beds

One of the common issues that most of the popular hospitals face is that they frequently run out of their bed capacity and find it difficult to accommodate new patients seeking admission . This creates a problem for both, patients and the hospital, and if not handled properly can lead to patient’s dissatisfaction, inadequate care of patient or even losing the patient to other hospitals. It is prudent for hospitals to have the policy to address such situations so that negative impact of unavailability of beds can be prevented. This post describes a sample policy on how can hospitals manage such situations effectively. POLICY : In case the bed is not available for admitting a new patient following policy shall be followed. Responsibility for implementing this shall be with the admissions staff under the supervision of manager patient care.  1.     If the bed in the category desired by patient is not available, the patient shall be informed about the same and shall be offer...

Draining the Primary Care Medical Home Swamp

All three primary care home demonstrations have failed as noted by Kip Sullivan in a recent thehealthcareblog. Kip Sullivan is a voice of reason in an insane policy period. This is only one of many appropriately critical pieces that make sense. In another sad twist of fate, a major reason for the failure was the promotion by medical associations - including family medicine. Even more important in reading his works, is the discrimination specific to those smaller, where needed, caring for the most complex, and most ignored. Family Medicine has long had the best track record for all of these areas. Sullivan and Soumerai have noted that these innovations and regulations have taken on a life of their own.   Pay for performance: a dangerous health policy fad that won't die Others such as Casalino who have noted the value of small practices in some areas such as preventing admissions, have at least implicated that the policies are clearly running over those smaller, independent, rur...

Patient identification Policy and Procedure

One of the most common causes of medical errors in healthcare is the incorrect identification of patients. The error can lead to potentially serious consequences such as surgery of a wrong patient or transfusion of wrong blood into a patient. It is vital that hospitals must put into place an effective policy and procedure for identifying a patient. Below are the internationally recommended practices for accurately identifying a patient. Patient identification details · At the time of registration , patient’s identification details shall be taken that includes, patient’s full name, date of birth and father’s/mother’s/spouse’s name. At-least one more identifier in addition to the name of patient shall be obtained. · A unique identification Number (UIN) must be generated for each registered patient. That UIN shall not be used for any other patient, even in future. · The name of patient and UIN shall be used as a standard identifier for identifying any patient in the hospital (Refer - Pat...