
Mart, 2018 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Code blue system in hospitals

Code blue is perhaps the most popular codes used in hospital for managing emergency situation. Code blue is a code given to identify and communicate that a medical emergency, of the nature of cardiac arrest, has occurred and the patient needs to be attended immediately for life saving measures. (Other codes - Code Pink , Code Red ). Since it deals with the life threatening situation, swift and coordinated action by a team of professionals is of paramount importance. This calls for designing and implementing a highly efficient system, which can work in round the clock and can cover entire hospital. This posts elaborate on all considerations that should be made while designing a code blue system. Also check code blue form and crash cart checklist along-with this post. 1.        Forming of a code blue team: The code blue team is at the core of entire system. This is a team of trained professionals who can competently provide life saving measures to a patien...

Code Blue Form

Code Blue Form Download Use this form along with ' Code Blue System '  Type of event            Actual Event              Mock Drill        Date ___________ Patient Details: Name: __________________________________ UID ______________________ Age ____________ Gender ________ Ward / Unit _________________________ Diagnosis (Pre-arrest) ________________________________________________ Any Pre-arrest intervention   ____________________________________________ Code Activation: Code activated by _____________________________ Designation__________ Time of code activation ______________ Condition at the time of code activation: Unresponsive Apnoea No Pulse Gasping Other __________________________________________________________ Time of code team arrival: 1 st member __________ 2 nd member ____________...

Crash Cart policy and checklist in hospital

Crash cart is a lifesaving trolley which contains essential medicines, instruments and equipment that can be used to save life of a patient (or a person), in case of medical emergency such as heart attack. In hospital there is always a risk of a patient undergoing cardiac arrest and hence it is important to have crash cart trolleys stationed at appropriate places for the code blue team to use it on the patient, whenever required. (Code blue team is a dedicated trained team of doctors and nurses, who can perform basic and advanced life support function on patient who has undergone a cardiac arrest). In-order to ensure that crash cart is usable whenever required some policies and practices needs to be put into place. It is also important that crash cart contains all things that may be required during a medical emergency. The checklist below can be used for this purpose. Checklist of items in crash cart (Source: UC DAVIS Health System, Centre for professional Practices of Nursing) Top Ba...