It's Still the Economy Stupid

Once again Americans are rallied to fight against the result (high prices) rather than what caused the high prices. More money is thrown at the diagnosis leaving less remaining for prevention of high health care costs and prices. The process is great for those who write the articles, capture the attention, and enrich themselves. It is also the easy choice. Exposing high health care prices as evil takes no effort at all. The real harm is done by those who promote what seems to be popular as they distract Americans from the real causes of high health care costs. The Biomedical and Micromanagement Waves that have long shaped runaway health care costs are the result of the same influences that shape higher prices and less for more Americans - by design. Higher costs are the result of advantages of designs that favor those bigger, those most organized, those who prepare to profit from the newest designs or implement them to their advantage, and those in the right locations serving the...