Zombie Thinking and Vampire Actions Suck the Life Out of Health Access

For decades the designers have ignored the consequences of their designs as hundreds of small hospitals, small practices, and practices where needed have fallen prey to revenue too low, costs of delivery accelerating as complexity overwhelms health access. More counties are added and millions more a year are added to those with low or no access - by design. Triple Threat translates to little or no treatment for most Americans. Vampires suck the life blood of health access while zombies design costly and cumbersome innovations. Image from sfreporter.com Fight Zombie Thinking - Stop the Insanity The evidence basis is quite clear. Clinical interventions and especially digital clinical interventions are costly and can only address process - not outcomes (Annals of IM Comprehensive Review, more) Less Datapalooza and more Team Member Support - Team Members cannot celebrate their contributions because digitizers are celebrating. Health Access Care Still Fails Despite 153 Tr...