The Mystique of Medicaid Expansion
Imagine 100% of Americans covered by insurance across private insurance and Medicare and an expanded Medicaid across all US locations. Would this be a great boost to health care in the US or not? Many would jump for joy at 100% insurance coverage. But the reality for health policy always remains the same. There are always winners and losers. Rather than a blatant promotion of expansion, more important is to understand who would win and who would lose? The current situation in Medicaid makes the answer quite obvious. Those providing the lowest paid services at the current time would remain the lowest paid - primary care, geriatric primary care, mental health care, basic services, cognitive services, office services. Despite 100% insurance coverage, the payments for these services would be insufficient to hire the team members and support the care needed, because payments are below the cost of delivery. Expansion Requires Expansion and Subtraction Is Contraction A decent business executi...